Category Archives: Page 109 – “Popularity Versus Obedience”

Page 109 – “Popularity Versus Obedience” Unexpected Love: Digital Interactive Devotional and Bible Study

You are an image bearer of Christ, but you won’t always reflect Him. Your spirit and flesh will war between pleasing the Lord and pleasing the crowd. Sometimes the crowd will win the battle, but you must not let them win the war.  This is a struggle between light and dark, truth and lies, good...

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Page 109 – “Popularity Versus Obedience” – Unexpected Love: Digital Interactive Devotional Video.

You are an image bearer of Christ, but you won’t always reflect Him. Your flesh will war between pleasing the Lord and pleasing the crowd. Sometimes the crowd will win the battle, but you must not let them win the war.  The struggle between light and dark, truth and lies, good and evil is real. ...

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