My new mother heart worries that I won’t hear you cry. A single droplet marks sorrow and fear. Will utter exhaustion delay me? A monitor dialled high connects our hearts, but still, I sleep lightly, listening.
I’m always listening for the sounds I know well. I know you, even when your call is jumbled among others, mixed within the playground chaos. I hear you.
Your voice stands out because you are mine. My ears perk. My heart quickens. I move in your need.
You sing to my heart as we share quiet togetherness, cuddling in bed, recapping your day. When you share heartaches, my heart aches deeper. I would take your sorrow upon myself, if I could. Instead, I pull you in close and whisper words of life.
Your heavenly Father aches for your wounds, for your sin, and He takes the weight of it upon Himself because He loves you.
God hears your voice, your unique voice. No one in this big, entire world has the same voice as you.
God knows you and He always answers His children.
But God has surely listened and has heard my prayer.
Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.
I know you, even when your call is jumbled among others, mixed within the playground chaos. I hear you. Your voice stands out because you are mine. My ears perk, My heart quickens. I move in your need
PSALM 66:19 – NIV
But God has surely listened and has heard my prayer.
God hears your voice, your unique voice. No one in this big, entire world has the same voice as you. When you share heartaches, my heart aches deeper. I would take your sorrow upon myself, if I could.
Your heavenly Father aches for your wounds, for your sin, and He takes the weight of it upon Himself.
Do not take this gift for granted.
You shall not take the name of The Lord your God in vain for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.