Worship Forever?? What?? Why would I want to do that?

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    I’m hoping you all were able to read through this weeks devotional and that you are on your way to answering the questions. We want this to be a real place, a place where we can be real and ask questions.
    I’ve been thinking a lot about this weeks devotional “Love Letters”. How would you explain to your child/grandchild who has yet to know the Lord or experience his awesomeness that …”When yesterday fades and today overwhelms, there is hope for tomorrow— a thousand tomorrows. There will be a thousand tomorrows of worshiping the one true God together. So, seek the Father and we won’t have to say good-bye. We can say, “Until then.” ” How would you explain to your kids/someone why they would want to do this??? Who would want to worship someone forever?

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