I would absorb your hurt, if I could. I would take every scar, every open wound, every disappointment, and shield you from the agony of broken living. But I can’t. The best I can do is to prepare you for the painful walk of human existence and the resulting cuts and bruises.
There will be despair. There will be anger. There will be grief. It is inescapable, so develop healthy coping skills now. Misplaced anger and pain can manifest in destructive ways, such as self-harm. Physical pain might bring temporary relief from stress, but it is short-lived and leads to further self-destruction. I don’t want you to self-destruct.
I want you to grow stronger. I want you to take this faith that I have lived imperfectly, and see in it the perfect God who can absorb your pain and sin. See the perfect God who can do for you the one thing I cannot—save your soul.
Your body is not your own. God paid an exorbitant price to cover your sins and purchase your redemption. Take refuge in the shadows of His wings till the storms of destruction pass by. Cry out to God most high, the God who will fulfill His purpose for you.
Depend on His steadfast love and faithfulness.
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.