A bird soars. A tree towers. The intricate design of a flower captures your admiration. They are glimpses of Him, directing all eyes to His glory. His glory is so incomprehensible that a wondrous snapshot overwhelms and lives in the mind’s eye forever.
But the broken world competes for affection. It desperately offers alternatives. It offers unlovely snapshots impossible to forget, littered through movies, books and photographs. They are dangerous images, declaring war.
So, we teach you discernment. We encourage you to look away. We shield your innocence as long as we can until you must decide: Will you feast on the things of your Creator or on the things of this unholy world? When happenstance thrusts temptation before you—blink. In that second, discern what most honors our Father. If needed, look away. Don’t chance the second glance you can never forget.
Protect the images stored in your mind. Protect your innocence. Protect your purity. Protect your faith.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable —if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.