Lord, you are everlasting love. You patiently wait, wishing none should perish. My children are your children. As much as I will love them, you already love them more. So, I ask for your mercy.
Plant them like trees by streams of water, rooted and grounded in love, yielding fruit in season with leaves that do not wither.
Make your Word richly dwell within, teaching and admonishing them, growing thankfulness in their hearts.
Stir up love for one another, patience and kindness, keeping them humble, ever seeking you and rejoicing in your truth. Your unfailing love will protect them.
Call them to you, open their eyes, so they might place their eternal hope in you.
May they ask in faith, believing that you are the giver of all that is good.
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.