You are here. You are mine But really, You are His. You are entrusted to me by God for an unforeseeable number of days.
I long to get this parent role right. I want to provide a good education, teach you fine manners, encourage solid friendships and a healthy body image. I want to secure happiness, peace, and joy for you, impart respectability, integrity and appreciation.
But most of all, train you in the ways of The Lord.
God is good and He knows best. His ways are not our ways but He can be trusted even when He takes away.
JOB 1:21b – ESV
The LORD gave,andThe LORD has taken away;blessed be the name of The LORD.
Trust that when His answer to our prayers is no, it is for my good and His glory.
Ultimately, what I want for your life and mine is to bring glory to God, the maker and giver of life.
That is our purpose. That is my prayer.