You are my flesh. You burst forth, wet and weeping. My cries join yours, and with an insatiable thirst I drink you in.
God’s ordained day has arrived.
I finally cradle my heart in my hands. You are bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh, here at last. Your heart beats outside the protection of my body. I hold tight with open hands, trusting you to the one who loves you even more than I do. Our God.
He tucks you underneath the shelter of His wings. His jealous love holds tight while waiting to be chosen. His holiness demands what is His and longs for His children to turn to Him for comfort.
And I understand. I want to be chosen.
I want to wipe your tears, hold your hand, and chase away the darkness. I want to be the one to whom you turn, the one whose advice you seek because you are mine and I am jealous of your love.
But never confuse the jealousy of this sinful mother with the holy jealousy of a sinless God. He is the only one with absolute rights to your heart and your soul.
Our God is a jealous God. He is jealous of what belongs to Him, and you are His – even before you were mine.
You must worship no other gods, for the Lord, whose very name is Jealous, is a God who is jealous about his relationship with you.