Two sinners become one flesh, exposing selfish tendencies.
Marriage is a humbling adventure unlike any other undertaking. Set aside your pride and accept that two are better than one.
God knows it. I suspect He made you that way on purpose, lacking just enough to keep you dependent on Him and thankful for your partner. Your limitations are, perhaps, a great gift from Him, although you likely don’t view them that way. You want Him to remove the load when He wants you to share the load.
Your limitations point out your need for Christ. It is in the marriage relationship that heavy loads become lighter and limitations are not flaws—but are opportunities. They are opportunities to esteem others higher than yourself and let shared experiences reap godly wisdom. Don’t hide your need, your vulnerabilities, or your despair.
Welcome the comfort of love and let its ministry to your heart train you to better love your mate.
Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.