It goes so fast. One minute you hold my hand and pledge to stay forever. The next, you peck my cheek and drive away. Your entire life I have worked to prepare you for this good-bye, and I am so proud of the adult you’ve become. But I cry.
I cry for the seemingly never-ending childhood that has ended, and I wish for more. One more chance to cook your meals. One more hour to snuggle close. One more family movie with popcorn. One more bedtime prayer. One more chapter in one more book. But we can’t go back. Only forward.
I can’t change the words spoken in haste that crushed your young spirit. I can’t change the ‘no’ that should have been ‘yes’, or the ‘yes’ that should have been ‘no’. I can’t change the time I never had for the things that seemed unimportant upon which hindsight shines great value. And now you’re grown.
I wonder, worry, and grieve over all that wasn’t perfect. I pray that you look past my flaws and find the grace that covers sins.
All our sins. I spent my life to keep you safe in an unsafe world only to long for you to risk it all as you establish your own household.
Risk your comfort for the one thing that matters. Jesus. Stand out, stand up, and live for Him. Speak bold. Love deep.
God’s truth is truth. It is a foundation that does not—cannot—change. Fight for that truth. Risk for that truth. Live for that truth. Build your home on that truth.
And one day, God willing, you’ll stand in your driveway and wave good-bye to a child who grew up too fast. And you’ll smile through the tears.
The righteous keep moving forward, and those with clean hands become stronger and stronger.
JOB 17:9 NLT