Good-bye arrives too soon and it tempts me to say it wasn’t enough. I’ll never be ready to leave you. I’ll never be ready to let go, but I must because He sheathed immortal souls in temporal flesh and earthen vessels. He gives us just enough.
We have just enough time to embrace our Creator. We have just enough opportunity to glorify Him. We have just enough love. We have just enough laughter. We have just enough.
I inhale the temporary and exhale eternity, leaving you these letters. In the absence of my comforting arms, breathy kisses, and damp tears, remember our Lord.
He is the perfect Father who never leaves. He will guide you, counsel you, and love you until all your written days transpire. He is the only constant in this changing world. Through good and bad, hard and easy, joys and sorrows turn to Him and believe. You have just enough time to believe that He is more than enough for all time.
I have cared for you since you were born. Yes, I carried you before you were born. I will be your God throughout your lifetime — until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you.